Join us!  

Applications are open for pianists and singers aged 30 or older. We hope you will consider joining us for our exploration of this beautiful repertoire for voice & piano.

Please note that places are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

SINGERS PLEASE NOTE: Places for singers (performers) are now full. Waiting list being taken – please sign up for the waiting list in case someone drops out. We would love to hear from you. To be put on the waiting list, please follow the instructions below as if you were applying for a place. Places still open for singer understudies. Thank you!

To reserve your place, whether or not you have yet completed an audition, please


You will be charged $100 to reserve your place (refundable if you are not admitted). The remainder of your fee is due March 1, 2019. (Payment plans are available; please ring VCM on 250 386 5311 to enquire.) Follow this link for further information about fees & course provision.


Who can join us?

We are interested in hearing from all pianists and singers aged 30 or older.

Our course accommodates students in three categories:

  1. Performers.
  2. Understudies.
  3. Observers.

Follow this link for further information about student categories and course provision.


How do I apply?

1. Returning pianists and singers

If you have taken one of our song projects in the past, you do not need to audition unless you are changing student category (i.e., from understudy to performer). If you are a returning student, follow this link to the VCM website to REGISTER NOW

2. New students

If you have not taken one of our song courses before, we are very happy to hear from you!

As places are offered on a first-come first-served basis, please reserve your place on the course by registering before you audition. You can register using the VCM website, or telephone the VCM on 250 386 5311. You can also register in person at the Victoria Conservatory of Music, 900 Johnson Street. Follow this link to


Once you have registered, we would like to hear you play or sing so we know where to place you on the course. You can audition by sending in a recording, or by singing or playing for the instructors in person. Please read about our audition requirements below.

What are the audition requirements?

New Singers should prepare 2 songs in any language. Songs can be with or without piano accompaniment. Singers may bring their own pianist, or they may use the audition pianist. Total performance time for both pieces should not exceed 6 minutes.

New Pianists should prepare 1 or 2 solo piano pieces. Pianists may bring their own singer if they wish to audition with a song. Total performance time should not exceed 6 minutes. (Pianists may play an excerpt from a longer piece.)

Duos (singer and pianist pairs) are welcome to audition together.


Places on the course are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. The course may therefore fill up before the stated application deadlines. If places remain available, our deadlines are as follows:

Applications for performers will close on  December 1, 2018.

Applications for understudies will close on January 1, 2019.

Applications for Observers are open. Observers may REGISTER NOW to join us at any time.


Final Application Deadline if places remain available - Performers








Total places available for Pianists (performers)

Places available for singers (performers)

Total places available for Understudies (pianists and singers)

Total places available for Observers (no audition required)